Tuesday, April 12, 2011

An Exclusive Event from Ariela Grossman Photography

Dear Friends & Family,

I would like to invite you to an exclusive Ariela Grossman Photography event happening this month. During this limited time event, a selection of some of my most popular images will be on offer at significantly below normal list prices.

These are each part of a limited series of 8-10 photographs. All pieces are on quality archival photo paper, fully guaranteed and include certificate of authenticity from the artist.

Please feel free to share this invitation with your friends and family.

Thanks and Enjoy!


Ariela Grossman

Ariela Grossman Photography

For purchasing inquiries
Contact artist by email (ariela@arielagrossman.com) or phone 678-662-4574 

Shipping is available to the United States and Canada


All the works in this series comprise studies of the visual behavior of water and its molecular interaction when introduced to a variety of surfaces and textures. The use of macro lenses led to the discovery of vast, colorful compositions that often blur the boundary separating the familiar and the unknown.

The earth’s most basic and essential fluid makes for a subject that is full of surprises upon such magnified examination. Water's inherent properties of reflection, refraction, and diffusion and its adaptability to an infinite range of environments yields cosmos that are seemingly inhabitable to the mind’s eye, be they static or dynamic, monochromatic or exploding in color, cryptic or revealing.   

Chromira print on metallic photo paper
Plexiglass face mounting
36 x 24 / 1of 8
regular: 1,200
special: 780

Chromira print on metallic photo paper
Plexiglass face mounting
36 x 24 / 3 of 8
regular: 1,600
special: 1,050

Chromira print on metallic photo paper
Plexiglass face mounting
36 x 24 / 1 of 8
regular: 1,200
special: 780

Chromira print on metallic photo paper
Plexiglass face mounting
36 x 24 / 1 of 8
regular: 1,200
special: 780

InkJet print on metallic photo paper
mounted on gator
36 x 24
regular: 600
special: 350

InkJet print on metallic photo paper
mounted on gator
36 x 24
regular: 600
special: 350

InkJet print on metallic photo paper
mounted on gator
36 x 24
regular: 600
special: 350

InkJet print on metallic photo paper
mounted on gator
36 x 24
Regular: 600
special: 350

InkJet print on metallic photo paper
mounted on gator
36 x 24
special: 350


Landscape & Nature 
A series of images that reflect the beauty and spirituality of nature as it cycles from season to season. Encompassing both intense and tranquil scenes, the compositions strive to remind us of our interconnection with the raw forces silently pulsing from our natural world. 

Small Pleasures (Bocas del Toro, Panama)
Chromira print on glossy photo paper
24 x 20
regular: 450
special: 290

Impression (Bocas del Toro, Panama)
Chromira print on glossy photo paper
Print Size: 16 x 20
regular: 375
special: 245

Calmness (Princeton, NJ)
Chromira print on glossy photo paper
Print Size: 24 x 16
regular: 400
special: 260

Infinity (Princeton, NJ)
Chromira print on glossy photo paper
matted & framed
(beautiful wood frame & black mat)
Print Size:36 x 24
regular: 950
special: 600

Enchanted Forrest (Mount Mohican, NJ)
Chromira print on glossy photo paper
Print Size: 24 x 11.5
regular: 350
special: 225

Angel’s Fall (Tazmania)
Chromira print on glossy photo paper
Print Size: 24 x 11
regular: 350
special: 225

At the Beginning (Bocas del Toro, Panama)
Chromira print on glossy photo paper
Print Size: 24 x 16
regular: 450
special: 300

Deep Magenta (Bocas del Toro, Panama)
Chromira print on glossy photo paper
Print Size: 24 x 14
regular: 400
special: 260

For purchasing inquiries
Contact artist by email (ariela@arielagrossman.com) or phone 678-662-4574 

Shipping is available to the United States and Canada

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